Our Story

Wind Is Calling and I Must Go...​

I love windsurfing. I actually get butterflies in my belly every time there’s a strong wind.
Makes me wanna go windsurfing soo bad.

But I need to go to take my kids to school, go to work,… and all the rest. It’s like windsurfing times are over. What if I could “catch more wind” somehow?
So I’ve created UrbanBreez.

It’s street WindSurfing ReBorn!

It’s nothing new really,… I just made it the way I think it should be made.

Much larger board to get a real windsurfing feeling,… wider axis to be super stable, ready for those tight, fast turns,… bigger wheels,… and I think the position of the sail should be just like on the windsurf. This way you can move around your sail.

Now I can enjoy my whole day, my job, everything a lot more because I know I’m gonna be windsurfing
in just a few hours.

My kids get to learn windsurfing super fast. It’s fun for the whole family.

So my fellow windsurfers, every time it’s windy…
and you only have about an hour.

You’ll love Urban Breez.

5 minutes to rig up and you’re already crousing.

Wind Is Calling and I Must Go...​

I love windsurfing. I actually get butterflies in my belly every time there’s a strong wind.
Makes me wanna go windsurfing soo bad.

But I need to go to take my kids to school, go to work,… and all the rest. It’s like windsurfing times are over. What if I could “catch more wind” somehow?
So I’ve created UrbanBreez.Makes me wanna go windsurfing soo bad.

It’s street WindSurfing ReBorn!

It’s nothing new really,… I just made it the way I think it should be made.

Much larger board to get a real windsurfing feeling,… wider axis to be super stable, ready for those tight, fast turns,… bigger wheels,… and I think the position of the sail should be just like on the windsurf. This way you can move around your sail.

Now I can enjoy my whole day, my job, everything a lot more because I know I’m gonna be windsurfing
in just a few hours.

My kids get to learn windsurfing super fast. It’s fun for the whole family.

So my fellow windsurfers, every time it’s windy…
and you only have about an hour.

You'll love UrbanBreez.

5 minutes to rig up and you’re already crousing.

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